Mission Statement

Lilis Montessori endeavors to maintain the highest possible standards of academic excellence and we are dedicated to the individual needs of your child.

Admissions and


We enroll children that are between ages 2 and 12.   Please fill and submit the Application Form. Further details are found in our  Parents Handbook .


All Parents/Guardians who are in Malawi on Contractual basis must inform the School of their departure date on the first day of any school Term preceding their departure.


All Parents/Guardians that wish to re-enroll their child in the next school year must submit a Re- Enrollment Form by 30 April.

Perhaps the best way in support of the Montessori approach to learning are some of the traits it develops we can site a few here

  • Montessori learning develops analytical thinking and being the individual that you are. It makes one learn to question rather than just accept what you are told and this becomes second nature very quickly in the formative years between 3-6 and lasts a lifetime.
  • It develops ones inner strengths and courage to stand up for others and oneself.
  • Socially well rounded and adjusted individuals who can fit in any place and situation because they are equipped from an early age to withstand and overcome many an obstacle and challenge thrown at them.
  • Montessorians ‘Love to Learn’ they take their time to know and understand first .They understand that they are under no pressure to achieve but nevertheless they excel at what they do.They are open to new experiences and knowledge in all spheres of life.
  • Develops insight and discipline when evaluating problems or concerns.